5.- Corporate affairs and community

5.1 Corporate Communication

Corporate Identity Manual

Through analysis and data collection of all of the brand architecture, the new communication strategy has a new Corporate Identity Manual that regulates the institutional image of ANCAP and its uses.
The regulations within this Manual are compulsory for all of ANCAP's areas.

Communication analysis

During 2015, communication, its practices and its audiences were analyzed in the process of public communication.

It was a methodological tour of all that took place in the 2000 - 2015 period, in order to account for the strategic communication planning of ANCAP in that period.

We underwent a process that will allow us to introduce the innovation that will come from creating new products and services through knowledge management and adaptation to technological devices and more modern tools for the use of available information.

In the same way, we saw the need to analyze communication content in order to adapt the messages for the context of news that are put out by the company.


We dealt with the request of better accountability on the investment on communication, promoting and ensuring as much transparency as possible.

Public communication, transparency, accountability and information security were the main objective to analyze and assess the criteria, methodologies and tools used in order to promote improvements in the management of corporate communication.