New Multiclient Contracts for offshore 3D seismic acquisition


On June 20th, 2024, ANCAP and Searcher, PGS, CGG and Spectrum Geo Inc (TGS) signed 4 Multiclient Agreements to carry out a non-exclusive acquisition of a minimum of 5.000 and up to a maximum between 40.000 and 45.000 full fold km2 of 3D seismic data in the offshore of Uruguay, at entire cost and risk assumed by the 4 service companies mentioned above.

It is important to point out that these agreements are non-exclusive, all the risks and costs of the data acquisition are taken by the service company, at no cost to ANCAP. Additionally, the signing of this type of agreement grants the contractor the right to carry out the work Program, but not the obligation. The service company will carry out the 3D seismic survey only if pre-financing is assured, or if the service company is willing to carry it out at its own financial risk.

The 4 acquisition Program proposals will add 3D seismic information in areas not previously covered. 3D seismic data are essential to identify and delineate stratigraphic prospects (channels, turbidites or pinchouts) that correspond to most of the exploratory situations of interest in Uruguay´s offshore. This also applies for carbonate prospects, in which the lithology, internal stratigraphy and degree of diagenesis of the bodies is essential to evaluate their competence as a reservoir. Finally, they are also important for potential source rocks characterization, which, in the case of Uruguay´s offshore, are events of Cretaceous age or older, and, therefore, are located at great depths. For the types of prospects and source rock indicated, modern and high-quality data are required, and with significant penetration into the sedimentary fill (up to 10 or 12 km) to be able to make specific analyzes such as the amplitude, its behavior with respect to the offset. (AVO or AVA), characterization through seismic attributes, etc.

These new products, which will be of excellent quality, given the proven experience of the 4 service companies counterpart, will contribute to the reduction of the exploratory risk, increasing as a result, the probability of finding hydrocarbons in Uruguay´s offshore. In addition, ANCAP will benefit from leading market service companies promoting the Program in their product´s portfolio as well as the exploratory opportunities in Uruguay.

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