Specific Regulation

Guidelines for marine seismic activities and for activities to study the seabed or subsoil through methods that use acoustic and electromagnetic sources on the Uruguayan continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone
Declares Uruguayan territorial sea as a sanctuary for whales and dolphins
Establishes the governing principles of a National Water Policy (Points out chapter IV about Hydric Resources.)
Regulates the activity of assistance and rescue of vessels in case of sinisters in national jurisdiction waters.
Establishes referring norms to territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and the Uruguayan continental platform.
Establishes the regime of Prevention and Monitoring, font of possible pollution of national jurisdiction waters, originates from vessels, among others.
International Cooperation Agreement, Preparedness and Response to Oil Pollution for hydrocarborns (OPRC / 90)
Convention on the Law of the Sea
Law of Ports
Accountability Law, Article 67 sets the maximum amount fines in case of oil spill.
Amendments to MARPOL 73/78 (1985)
Declares the exploitation, preservation and study of the riches of the sea of national interest. (Points out Article 12 about release of waters)
Uruguay OMI member
Regulation to prevent marine pollution by oil and other substances due to vessel operations, according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, OMI No. 13.833 Law 29 / 12/69 and the Treaty of the
Approves the regulation of uses of water, coastal and port areas spaces