ANCAP and SEG invite to the honorary lecture of PhD Ruben Martínez

ANCAP and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) invite to the lecture of senior geophysicist PhD Ruben Martínez, How recent advances in seismic depth imaging can enhance prospect identification and appraisal, to be held on Thursday August 30th  form 9 to 10:30 am, at the Auditorium of the main building of ANCAP (entrance:  Av. Libertador Brig. Gral. Lavalleja and Paraguay, 9th floor).

After the lecture, ANCAP invites to a coffee-break and networking instance.

More information about the conference and biography of Ruben Martinez can be found in the attached document.

To get additional information, please contact Magdalena Díaz (Tel.: + 598 2 1931 2106,


How recent advances in seismic depth imaging can enhance prospect identification and appraisal