This instance, that promotes citizen participation, was convened by the Ministry of Environment to provide details of the of the survey that would be carried out.

Esta instancia, que promueve la participación ciudadana, fue convocada por el Ministerio de Ambiente para dar detalles de los trabajos que se harían.

In the September 2023 issue of the magazine, the article “Offshore Uruguay: big hopes (and supporting geology) for the Cretaceous” was published.

ANCAP awarded two blocks for oil and gas exploration offshore Uruguay

Five Top-100 companies submitted documentation

In the latest edition of the renowned journal GEOEXPRO (www.geoexpro.com), the article " Uruguay Plays Namibia on Number 1 Court ", was published. This article presents an analysis of the recent discoveries in Namibia and their analogy with the offshore basins of Uruguay. To read the full article, click here.

ANCAP awarded three blocks for oil and gas exploration offshore Uruguay, including the drilling of a fourth exploratory well

We have prepared a new poster of analogies between Cretaceous prospects offshore Uruguay and recent discoveries offshore Namibia (Graff and Venus wells). Click here to find it!

Bahamas Petroleum qualified and submitted an offer in the first Instance of 2020.

Recent interest incentivize revisiting the data of the shallow offshore.

ANCAP will promote opportunities for hydrocarbons exploration in Uruguay

ANCAP and ION Geophysical Corporation signed a new Multiclient Agreement

New Regime for the Selection of Oil Operating Companies for the Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in onshore and offshore areas of República Oriental del Uruguay

Successful conference of the geologist Juan Carlos Llinás at Montevideo promoted by the AAPG

"How recent advances in seismic depth imaging can enhance prospect identification and appraisal"

ANCAP has scheduled several technical activities in Houston in February, for the promotion of the Uruguay Round 3.

In the morning of October 20th at Canning House in London, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and ANCAP presented the Uruguay Round 3, a bidding process of areas for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons offshore

The event was attended by more than 50 delegates from oil and gas companies and government authorities

The Uruguayan National Oil Company (ANCAP), and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), are pleased to invite you to the official announcements of Uruguay Round 3.

After the successful Road Show in Houston and the invitation made by the Uruguayan Embassy in China, Uruguay Round 3 is being launched in this country.

The Road Show was a success, taking into account that a great number of companies covered not only the Road Show but also requested individual Data Rooms.

On May 12 the third course of the Professionals in Exploration and Production Training Program ended.

Schuepbach Energy Uruguay (SEU) will be performing the preparatory works for the first hydrocarbon exploration well in the Uruguayan Norte Basin.

Eng. Ignacio Horvath officially announced that ANCAP is going to launch Uruguay Round 3

Uruguay Round 3 is a call for bids for Areas for Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the Economic Exclusive Zone of Uruguay.

The Uruguayan National Oil Company (ANCAP), and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), are pleased to invite you to the official announcements of Uruguay Round 3, which will be held on September 18th, 2017 in Houston and on October 20th, 2017 in London.